Friday, February 19, 2010

There is Opportunity in Every Crisis

Those that hate everything public are now attacking tenure full throttle.

If New York City is forced to lay off some of the more than 30,000 new teachers it has hired in the past five years, it is "going to be catastrophic," said Joel Klein, chancellor of the city's school system. "We're going to be losing a lot of great new teachers that we hired" in recent years, the chancellor said.

Mr. Klein added that another problem with "last in, first out" was that because newer teachers earn less than veterans, more teachers will end up losing their jobs.

What Mr. Klein "is really trying to say is, 'I would like to churn the work force by keeping cheaper teachers on the payroll,' " said Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, the teachers union in New York. "If we can do our work in a constructive and collaborative way, we can avoid the layoffs. That's where we should be focusing our energy."

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