Rep. Judy Burges, R-Skull Valley, is crafting a measure to require anyone running for president or vice president to provide proof to the Arizona Secretary of State's Office that they are legally eligible to seek the office. The U.S. Constitution requires the president - and, by extension, the vice president - to be "a natural born citizen."
More to the point, Burges would require the secretary of state to verify, independently, that the information is accurate.
"And if it's not certifiable, then that person's name would not go on the ballot," she said.
Burges told Capitol Media Services the measure is not necessarily about Obama, though she admitted she has her doubts that he was born in Hawaii as he claims and, even if so, that he can show he is a U.S. citizen.
"With what's happening throughout the world, we need to make sure that our candidates are certifiable," she said.
Someone's certainly certifiable.
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